Generosity Week 1: The Give that Keeps on Gifting | Practicing the Way | Romans 12:3–8 | Jack Groblewski YouVersion Notes:
Speaking Truth to Power | John 18:29–19:13 | Jack Groblewski YouVersion Notes:
An Act of Kindness Shown to a Cripple | How to Build a Kingdom #4 | Acts 4:5–37 | Jack Groblewski
Daydream Believer | Dreams of Generations #2 | Genesis 28:10–17 | Jack Groblewski
The Manger Feast | Family Traditions #3 | Luke 2:4–7 | Jack Groblewski
What Are We Looking Forward To? | Revelation 21:1–11 | Jack Groblewski
Fear for your lord and The Fear of the Lord | Acts 26:8–32 | Jack Groblewski
The Fourth Voice in the Garden | As Intended #3 | Matthew 19:3-8, Genesis 3:1 | Ian Martin
The Challenge of Christmas | Of Dirt and Glory #4 | Ephesians 3:20–4:16 | Jack Groblewski
People of Maturity | This Is Who We Are #3 | 1 Peter 1:22–2:3 | Jack Groblewski
The Joy of Authentication | Re:Joy #5 | Philippians 2:12-18| Jack Groblewski