Giving at NC4
When Jesus passed a basket, He was always giving something away. So too is our practice at NC4. We don’t pass a basket unless we are giving the entire offering away, usually to a missionary, a worthy cause or a guest speaker. That type of offering is above what the Bible calls a “tithe”, or 10%, which we give as an act of worship to Him who provides everything to us. We place those ‘tithes’ in the boxes near the main doors of the sanctuary or make them electronically. It’s part of our lifestyle being a follower of Christ. Though we strongly believe in tithing, what’s more important to us than any amount is the heart of the giver. That’s where the treasure truly is.
We seek to give cheerfully to build His kingdom and honor our Lord who sacrificially gave to us so much more than we can ever give back to Him. (2 Cor 2:9-7; Mal 3:10; Prov 11:24; Mark 12:41-44; Matt 23:23)
Give via your credit/debit card or directly from your
banking account (routing numbers will be required.)
Checks payable to:
New Covenant Christian Community Church
21 E. Broad St.
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Text GIVE to 610-816-6062
Get a text back with
instructions to start giving (make sure your phone doesn’t auto correct)