Peru Missions Trip Summary

Thanks go to Amy Frei, team member, for this team summary and for sharing with us some of the amazing work of the kingdom that happened in Peru.
  • The team made it out of the jungle and returned safely to Sharon Malcolm’s home-base of Yurimaguas, a town in the north-eastern Amazon river basin, Saturday night (June 25th) after 14 hours of travel on the river.
  • Exhausted from pushing the boat (and scooping water out of the bottom). We were terrified when the motor stopped working and so grateful when 20 minutes later the Peruvian members of Sharon’s team managed to start it back up. Our team was impressed by the knowledge and guidance of our Peruvian partners, who navigated shallow waters, managed the motor, and kept our spirits up with laughter and jokes, even as we ran into logs and endured a scorching sun.
  • While in the jungle, we stayed in a village made up of about ten families. We completed six clean water filters and were satisfied with the effectiveness of five of them. At night we held services and prayed for each family. We also traveled to three other villages where we spent time with families and did some children’s ministry. We worked with an all-Peruvian team who were building a church for one of the villages.

…While all of these things were valuable contributions to the community, we came to realize that the most important part of the trip were the relationships established and the love that we shared. For now we are trusting in God that the seeds we planted will take root and someday reap a bountiful harvest!

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During our time, we came to understand God’s truth in a new light, especially the verse that says, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” We endured endless mosquitos, chiggers, giant cockroaches, biting red ants, flies, boat pushing, and a hot Peruvian sun. Despite all this, we worked together and maintained joy in doing the Lord’s work. Every negative aspect of the trip was offset with continual reminders of God’s faithfulness. We were amazed at the brilliance of the stars and the moon, and would often stare at the sky at night waiting to see shooting stars. We saw a double rainbow stretching across the horizon. On our boat journey back to Yurimaguas we were blessed to see an indescribable sunset while a pod of river dolphins jumped up beside our boat.

It’s now at the end of the week that the fullness of the reality of God’s goodness and grace are really sinking in. I am continually thanking God for allowing us to serve Him and come to know Him in a new and deeper way.

The team returns July 1st. Please continue to pray for safe travels home. Also pray for Maria’s (a native Peruvian and minister who serves with Sharon in bringing the gospel to the villages) brother Camillo, his wife and nine-month old baby, who are sick with dengue fever.

Gloria Dios, Rey de Reyes.

Amy Frei

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