Solitude Week 4: How to Hear God's Voice | Practicing the Way | Mark 4:3–25 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
Solitude Week 3: Dead to the System | Practicing the Way | Galatians 1:10–18 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
Solitude Week 2: Encountering Your Self | Practicing the Way | 1 Kings 19:1–13 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
Solitude Week 1: WWJD? | Practicing the Way | Mark 1:16–39 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
Speaking Truth to Power | John 18:29–19:13 | Jack Groblewski YouVersion Notes:
A Picture of Maturity | Ephesians 4:11-5:2 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
From Mission Impossible to Mission Unstoppable | Acts 1:1-11 | Dr. Julius Esunge YouVersion Notes:
Desiring God’s Best | Genesis 3:1-13 | Delaina Sirard YouVersion Notes:
Seeing Jesus in Uncertain Times | Luke 24:13–35 | Keren Lozada YouVersion Notes:
Made to Multiply | How to Build a Kingdom #9 | Acts 28:30-31 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
A Firm Resolve of the Heart | How to Build a Kingdom #8 | Acts 11:19–26 | Delaina Sirard YouVersion Notes:
Growing Pains: The Challenges of Scale | How to Build a Kingdom #7 | Acts 6:1–7 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
The Kingdom and Your Money | How to Build a Kingdom #6 | Acts 4:32-5:14 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes:
Prophetic Courage | How to Build a Kingdom #5 | Acts 4:8–31 | Ian Martin YouVersion Notes
A Love that Offers All | John 12:1-8, Mark 14:3-8 | Chris Momose YouVersion Notes
The Father Wants to be Known | Acts 17:24–31 | Mike Stauffer
An Act of Kindness Shown to a Cripple | How to Build a Kingdom #4 | Acts 4:5–37 | Jack Groblewski
The Mission-Shaped Church | How to Build a Kingdom #3 | Acts 2:42–47 | Ian Martin
Ministry is All God and All Human | How to Build a Kingdom #2 | Acts 1:23-2:41 | Ian Martin
Mothers in the Mission | How to Build a Kingdom #1 | Acts 1:1–14| Ian Martin