What’s In Your Wallet? God's Money | Matthew 25:14–30 | Korry Franke YouVersion: http://bible.com/events/49340682
Which Story Do You Cling To? | Life After Life After Death #2 | Matthew 28 | Ian Martin
Fasting Part 1: To Offer Ourselves to Jesus | Practicing the Presence #9 | Matthew 6:16–18 | Ian Martin
Prayer Part 1: Talking to God | Practicing the Presence #5 | Matthew 6:9–13 | Ian Martin
The Bizarre Business Practices of an Unorthodox King | Matthew 20:1–16 | Mike Jarrell
Sabbath Part 1: Stop | Practicing the Presence #1 | Matthew 11:28–30 | Ian Martin
Help & Harm | As Intended #11 | Matthew 7:–6 | Ian Martin
Love Out of Bounds | As Intended #10 | Matthew 5:43–48 | Ian Martin
The Revival of Love | As Intended #9 | Matthew 28:1–10 | Ian Martin
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Selflessness | As Intended #8 | Matthew 5:38–42 | Ian Martin
Truthful Love | As Intended #7 | Matthew 5:33–37 | Ian Martin
Faithful Desire | As Intended #6 | Matthew 5:27–32 | Ian Martin
Uprooting Anger with Repentance | As Intended #5 | Matthew 5:17–26 | Ian Martin
Forgiven to Forgive, Forgive to be Forgiven | As Intended #4 | Matthew 18:15–17 | Eric Frank
The Fourth Voice in the Garden | As Intended #3 | Matthew 19:3-8, Genesis 3:1 | Ian Martin
The Myths of Singleness | As Intended #2 | Matthew 19:3-12 | Ian Martin
Intended for Relationship | As Intended #1 | Matthew 22:34–40 | Ian Martin
Unoffendable and a Beautiful Scandal | Ephesians 4:25–32, Matthew 18:21–35 | Bob Rentler