A Pioneering People Courage of Biblical Proportions May 13, 2018 Pioneers of the faith possess a courage firmly rooted in faith.
Life After Life After Death 1 Greater Expectations April 15, 2018 Our prayers prevail because our King intercedes!
Creating a Culture of Honor The Honorable Institution November 26, 2017 God's command to honor marriage safeguards us: as individuals and as a society.
Justice and Judgement, Mercy Here comes the Judge March 12, 2017 The Cross tells us how Jesus Judges.
Justice and Judgement, Mercy The Quest for a Priest February 26, 2017 We all need a Priest that extends mercy.
A New Year's Resolution that Endures Positioned for the Promises of God January 29, 2017 Faith that positions us for greater things.
When Faith and Reason Clash When Faith and Reason Clash April 3, 2016 The Object of Your Faith Matters.
Unshakable Faith Stranger in a Strange Land January 17, 2016 The first step of faith leads us into a path of obedience.
Unshakable Faith The Essential Unseen January 10, 2016 The Importance of being blind to the obstacles of faith.