


PrimeTime Retirees

God is not done with you yet, you've hit your PRIME TIME of life!
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prime time gathering

3rd Monday of the Month

At our NC4 Bethlehem campus, there is a Prime Time gathering for people of retirement age from 10 AM- NOON in our Fellowship Hall. Come get connected, find out ways to serve, and learn valuable tools for this stage of life.

Mission & Background

Living a meaningful life doesn’t end when you retire, or when you have some health challenges, or even become widowed. The Bible is filled with accounts of amazing things done through people who are much older than Medicare age! At NC4, the Vision of our Family Ministry is to see all generations living with a sense of hope, purpose, and vision for themselves…being valued and productive in the kingdom of God. So we launched our PrimeTime Retirees Group in March 2022 as a way to connect people of retirement age. We hope you discover a vision and sense of purpose and grow in relationships with each other. God is not done with you, in fact, it’s your Prime Time!

Upcoming Events

PrimeTime Gathering

Monday, February 24th 10AM–12PM NC4 Bethlehem Campus Our next PrimeTime Gathering for those of retirement age is happening on Monday, February 24th. Please note, this month we are meeting on the 4th Monday of February! Join us from 10AM–12PM for food, fellowship, and...