Prophecy Shared 12/13/2020

This prophetic word was shared from the pulpit at NC4 Bethlehem on Sunday, December 13th, 2020 by Pastor Jack Groblewski. We are posting it here for anyone to view and study at their leisure.

Brett Young Prophecy

BACKGROUND: This word was submitted to Pastor Jack by Brett Young, a trusted member of NC4’s prophetic ministry. 

“Over this last week, I have felt the Holy Spirit moving in me with a word that I believe is from the Lord.

1. The church at large will begin to repent and will be moved by God’s Holy presences. The church will begin to repent of their own dependencies, self-reliance, pride, and compromising of their walk with God.
(Repentance is the key.)

2. God is going to reveal His Holy presences in His people in a way they have never experienced before. This will be a sovereign move of God, man cannot and will not make this happen, only God will place His Holiness in His people. (Dependence upon God is the key.)

3. The church will then move in power & authority and His people will be used to evangelize and minister the Word of God. The sound teaching and sound doctrine will return to the church and those who are surrendered, repentant and broken-hearted before the Lord. There will be an awaking to the church and a thirst and hunger for God’s holy presences as never before. (The key is, God’s word must supersede one’s own opinion.)

4. Things that once matter to the church will no longer be of importance. God is going to replace a Holy and Godly desire in the hearts of His people to do His will and bring forth glory of His presences to the earth. (The key is unity with God’s people.)”