Pastor Loreto and Judy Tarlit
In 1984 Pastor Loreto and his wife Judy started a free self-help technology-training center for the poor out-of-school youth and unskilled jobless adults. Their hearts are to help these individuals learn skills that will lead to jobs while teaching them the fear of the Lord that will give them success and a new life in Christ. In January 2012, they created a Discipleship & Vocational Development DVD to train young people from local churches for the purpose of making disciples, fruitful followers and loyal laborers of the Lord.
Prayer Needs:
- Finances for the Discipleship & Vocational Training for supplies and tools upon graduation ($100 monthly)
- Physical health for Pastor Loreto who is being treated for a benign growth on his prostate.
- For their new work to the poor in a village called Alaska. May they establish good relationships and that the gospel is received.
Support the Tarlit's
Missionary Update – June 2020
Dear Brothers & Sisters of NC4,
“The Lord is my strength and my song and He has become my salvation.”
– Exodus 15:2
Amidst the crises God is a very present help in times of troubles. For almost 10 weeks now, we are still under quarantine and no church services yet and when there will be services, no kids or senior citizens, to start.
Nevertheless, God opened the door for us to reach more than 150 family relatives and high school classmates through posting Gospel messages on our Facebook account. Messages teaching on the end times, the new heaven and new Earth every Wednesday, and other salvation messages Fridays and Sundays.
With the help NC4 has sent to us, we were able to minister to our poor congregation, single parents and widows in our neighborhood. During the first 3 weeks, we gave them cash and during the following 6 weeks we provided food packs.
We were able to minister also to needy independent pastors, dependent on congregation offerings, with cash for food assistance. Around 33 of them who attended our Pastoral Concern Workshop with the help of my former boss that I worked with back in 1975.
Again, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you at NC4 for your love and concern. We thank you for all the funds that have been sent.
Attached pictures are our junkyard friends, we gave them free things we do not need anymore for them to sell and buy food. Other members of our church give them cash for work —painting, welding, etc.
In Christ,