Homeless Shelter Ministry
NC4 is part of the Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering program, a faith-based partnership that provides a network of care and hospitality for the homeless in our community. Overnight sheltering is provided at Christ UCC Church (75 E Market St, Bethlehem) during the coldest months of the year: November through April. A group of volunteers from various churches and organizations get together to prepare a warm meal throughout the sheltering season. NC4 is committed to providing meals at least 2 Sundays a month.
How to Get Involved
Lead Cook
You pick the recipe and coordinate with the volunteer leader to shop for the ingredients to feed the guests. This role is crucial to each week’s success! Our team of seasoned volunteers are on hand to guide you through the process. Training will be provided.
Kitchen Helper
You will be assisting with the meal prep: chopping, shredding, mixing – whatever the lead cook needs you to do. Basic training on food service hygiene will be provided.
You will keep the kitchen team moving and ensure the workspace is clear of dirty dishes. The kitchen cannot function smoothly without you! Basic training on commercial sanitizing of dishes will be provided.
Shower Monitors
You will ensure that shower signups for the day are on schedule and guests receive a clean towel and other toiletries they may need.
Donate a Dessert
With all that goes into cooking each week, dessert is usually too much for the kitchen team to plan. You provide an extra level of care by making or buying a dessert to feed 10-15 people. Sign-up sheets will be sent out during the season.
Join the Team!
If you have a heart for this program and would like to get involved, contact Anette Rego for more information.