Family Promise of the Lehigh Valley is a local chapter of the national Family Promise organization. The local chapter has been operating as a non-profit since July 2016 and our partnership began in December 2018.

The goal of the organization is to provide housing for homeless families and resources to help them get back on their feet. Different local churches and other organizations come together to provide program families with a week of housing and food at a time. NC4 Macungie serves as the host site during NC4’s week to serve each quarter.

Interested in getting involved? Contact Susan Galey for information on our next volunteer dates and required clearances & training.

Want to know more about our partnership? Check out this video!

Still Wondering How to Get Involved?

Set Up

On the first Sunday of a volunteer week, you can help to set up the living quarters in the fellowship hall at NC4 Macungie after church.

Go Shopping

You can help to shop for breakfast and lunch items for the families.

Be a Host

Join the hosting team and spend time getting to know the guests, playing with the kids, and more.

Make a Meal

Pick a night to cook a meal and drop it off at the church. Your services will be greatly appreciated!

Stay Overnight

From 9:00PM until 5:30AM, you can help be an extra level of security & consistency for the families.

Tear Down

On the next Sunday, you can help to tear down and clear away the living quarters before church services start


Do Laundry

Take home sheets, blankets, and/or towels. Once washed, you can return them to NC4 Macungie for our next volunteer week.