To all of you that have been so very faithful to stand with us in prayer, support or just interest, let me say a great big THANK YOU! I so appreciate your position to join with us in reaching the lost for Christ and disciplining new believers to walk strongly in their faith. This is so vital for the advancement of the Kingdom especially in these rural areas where there are no churches or any other Christian resources.
Reliance on witch doctors for physical healing, cursing feuding family members or trying to find out why bad things are happening to a person or family is prevalent and is usually the first line of defense when dealing with any of these issues. Unfortunately when people solicit this kind of service they open themselves up to whatever spirit the witch doctor is operating under and can cause extra problems that did not exist before.
Such was the case with the 9-month old baby we prayed for who had a reoccurring fever for a month. In the September newsletter I mentioned that we were asked to pray for the baby who’s parents brought him to a witch doctor for healing before and after asking us to pray. I had the chance to explain why this could be so dangerous for the baby and for the parents and then asked Maria (the Shawi missionary who’s been working with me for about 8 years) to pray with the mom in Shawi asking for the Lord’s forgiveness and renouncing any ties to the witch doctor she and her husband made through the agreement of his practices and by paying for his services.
Once this was done we then prayed for the baby. When I saw the father the next day on our way out of the village I asked him how the baby was and he said he was better. Unfortunately that was not the case because within two weeks the baby died.
I tell you this not to discourage your prayers and intercession but rather to increase them with an understanding that we are truly not fighting against flesh and blood but rather “against the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places”.
So often in situations like this going to the local health post is not an option because the villagers believe that the medical staff will kill or harm their loved one. While this is never the intention it is sometimes the case due to misdiagnosis, poor resources or simply pride in not wanting to send the patient to Yurimaguas for more professional care.
My long-time burden has been to educate, equip and pray over the people in the villages who accept the Lord so that they can minister effectively and powerfully in His name so that only His presence is sought after for any need the people might have. We are consistently working toward this goal through the 3-day training sessions, the Bible institute designed to train church leaders and the regular visits Maria and I make to the villages to evangelize and disciple the people.
We have seen some wonderful changes in people and villages as a result of these efforts and the Lord is continuing to bring villagers into more and more freedom due to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Please continue to pray with us for total transformation of every village on the Shishinahua River.
On a positive note the last river trip to the Shishinahua River, just about a week and a half ago, went very well. A well known Shawi pastor and his wife joined us to minister to the people in three different villages and the response was very good. Pastor Alberto preached evangelistic messages and then prayed over people for healing. He told me that where he ministers many people come to the Lord through his preaching and are healed of physical problems and so I was very glad to have him come to our area and minister as well.
During his time with us we saw many people rededicate their lives to Christ while others made Him Lord of their lives for the first time.
Authority of the Believer conference
Pastor Alberto will be translating into Shawi during our upcoming 3-day conference with a team from the USA which will focus on the authority of the believer and how to be free of demonic oppression.
This conference is very important because it will teach every believer that attends what our authority in Christ is and how to clearly and effectively overcome the enemy through applying Biblical truths to our lives. I am especially interested in the Shawis grasping this reality so that they can recognize and reject any attempt of the enemy to lead them into error through believing in superstitions and relying on witch doctors.
Would you please join us in praying strongly for this conference so that everyone who attends will receive freedom from oppression, physical healing and especially the knowledge of the Truth to set them free of all false thinking that leads to fear and bondage.
The dates for this conference are November 12 -14 and the prayer points are as listed:
- There be no attacks on the US team in any way so that all of them and their family members are protected from harm or danger as well as all their possessions.
- That all of their travel to and from Yurimaguas, Peru will be easy, smooth and peaceful without any loss or damage to any of their belongings.
- That every person that attends the conference will be set free from demonic oppression causing mental, emotional or physical bondage.
- That every person that attends will truly understand their rights as sons and daughters in the Kingdom of God and begin to fully operate in it.
- For the Lord’s strong hand of protection on the everyone who travels to and from the conference from their villages.
Power of Prayer training
Less than a week after I get back from seeing the team off to go back to the States Maria and I will be traveling to another part of Peru to conduct a 3-day training on the “Power of Prayer” for a village church that will host several other communities. This is a very important training and can gloriously equip the saints in these villages to take hold of their position in Christ to bring down strongholds and claim spiritual ground for the Kingdom of God. Would you also include this training in your prayers?
The dates are November 24 – 27 and the prayer points are listed below:
- Save and quick travel for Maria and I and that there be no delays in the connecting flights, the 7-hour car ride to the nearest river port of this village or the 45 minute car ride to the village.
- Nothing of our belongings or ministry material will be lost, stolen or damaged.
- That the people will grasp the concepts of prayer and understand and use the different types of prayer that will be studied.
- Safety for the people as they travel back and forth to this training so that nothing of theirs will be damaged or lost and they themselves will be kept from harm or danger.
- That the Holy Spirit completely have His way in accomplishing all that He desires to do during our time together.
I want to thank you so much again for all of your prayers, support and encouragement in this work and may the blessings of the Lord be upon you mightily until they chase you down and overcome you!
Serving With You,
Sharon Malcolm
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