Over 15 million people worldwide have now attended an Alpha course, an opportunity to explore the meaning of life, running in tens of thousands of churches of all denominations, and at universities, in prisons and on military bases across the world.
At an Alpha course people explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten thought-provoking weekly sessions. Alpha is designed for people who are interested in investigating Christianity, newcomers to the church, new Christians, couples preparing for marriage or those who just desire to brush up on the basics of the faith.
It is low-key, friendly and fun –- and you can ask anything, no question is too big or too small. Watch this video for more info: Alpha Video
We start off with a meal together, followed by a 30-minute video and group discussion. We discuss topics such as:
- Who Is Jesus?
- Why Did Jesus Die?
- Why and How Do I Pray?
- Does God Heal Today?
- Why Do Bad Things Happen?
- and many others…
Why not take this opportunity to explore the meaning of life?
Alpha courses typically run twice per year, every Fall and Late Winter/Spring, on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall of New Covenant at 21 E. Broad St., Bethlehem, PA.
Ministry Leader: Linda Brown (, 610.866.7333) Click HERE to register.
The website of Alpha USA is[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
The Deacon Board provides biblical accountability for the funds of the church with a primary focus on benevolence; that is, determining how to help individuals or families in financial crisis, and teaching the principles of good stewardship and budgeting.
- Deacon Board Leaders: Dale Carpenter & Tom Doster
- Deacon Board: Cassandra Alleyne, Chad Wakeman, Margie Kimmick
Design Team
The Design Team is made up of members of the congregation who have a unique sense of style and creative gifts and talents that lend themselves to thematic design and decoration of the sanctuary to reflect the various seasons of the year (Advent, Lent, etc.)
The Design Team uses contempory design concepts and materials while honoring the traditions of the historical church to provide a thought-provoking and worship-enhancing experience for all.
Design Team Leader: Jane Holmes ([/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Mission Statement
People called to share Jesus through the ministry of dramatic arts.
The vision of the drama ministry at NC4 is to build dramatic expression across generations and cultures. It is our vision to promote and train in the dramatic arts and to establish drama as a mainstay of the culture of the church in order to communicate powerful messages such as the love of Christ, salvation, redemption and forgiveness.
- Bill and Jane Holmes – Leaders
Facility Team
The Facility Team ensures that NC4’s facilities are safe, clean, functional and attractive. The team opens and closes the building for services and conferences and ensures the building is secure. They coordinate the scheduling of the building and its various meeting rooms to ensure smooth operation and no conflicting schedules. The Facility Team Ministry leaders also coordinate the security of the building when it is unoccupied.
Members who are responsible, hands-on people, who enjoy repair and maintenance work (electrical, mechanical, carpentry, etc.) are always welcome and valued on this team.
If you need to use the NC4 building for any reason, please contact Linda Brown.
Ministry Leaders: Elmer Brown & Linda Brown (, 610.866.7333)[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member or friend, you’ve probably found that there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel.
That’s the reason for GriefShare, a special DVD-based seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone the loved. This group is hosted by other people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time.
Each GriefShare session includes a DVD session (lasting about 35-45 minutes) followed by group discussion. A GriefShare workbook assists you with note taking, journaling and grief discussion points. The DVD’s feature top experts on grief recovery, some dramatic re-enactments of people’s grief experiences and real-life stories of others who have experienced losses like yours.
During the small group discussion time, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with others who have experienced a recent loss, learn about their experiences and share your own.
GriefShare features biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. You will be able to continue with GriefShare through the next cycle and view any of the DVD sessions you have not seen.
If you need any further information, please call the church at (in US) 610-861-7725, leave your name and phone number and someone from the New Covenant GriefShare Ministry will return your call.
CLICK HERE to see more from the GriefShare website.
Group Facilitator: Chris Moyer 610-861-7725 x10 and leave him a message with the church receptionist
Kitchen Team
NC4 has a fully-equipped commercial kitchen in our Fellowship Hall on the lower level of our building. The Kitchen Team coordinates and prepares meals for church-sponsored meetings, conferences and events. If you like to cook, set-up, serve or just work in a kitchen, this is a great way to serve the body of Christ. The Kitchen Team also offers opportunities for high school students to earn Community Service hours.
- Ministry Leader: Diane Wakeman (
- Kitchen Phone: 610.861.7725 x24
Local Missions
Mission: To mobilize the church from the inside out, in order to share Christ, serve our community and to make disciples.
The Local Missions Ministry provides service opportunities for NC4 members to actively be involved in our neighborhoods and communities.
We partner with William Penn Elementary School and operate a weekly BackPack Buddy program providing food for the weekends for kids who otherwise do not have enough.
Contact: Diane Wakeman
Manna Ministry
NC4 strives to be a community of believers who provide mutual care. When faced with a crisis (healthcare issues, the death of a loved one, etc.), or a special event like the birth of a child, it is often very helpful when others lend a hand by assisting with a basic, but very important, need like the family’s dinner preparation.
Our philosophy is that those meals should first be provided by the extended family of the individual(s) affected, when that is not possible, then we look to the individual’s small group and then to the Manna Ministry team.
Meals are prepared by NC4 members in their own homes and then delivered to the home of the family in need. The frequency of preparation is typically only once or twice every three months.
If you enjoy cooking, joining the Manna Ministry team is a great way to serve members of the church in their time of need.
- Ministry Leader: Megan Fox (
Marriage & Family Ministry
The mission of NC4’s Marriage and Family Ministry is to build and nourish strong marriages and families using Biblical principles.
Here is a brief listing of the resources available to you:
It’s been said that the definition of a mentor is “Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight.” Why not take advantage of this powerful resource to make the most of your relationship with your spouse?
- Pre-marital Mentoring: Designed to help you construct a strong foundation for your upcoming marriage. Enrollment in this program is mandatory for all couples engaged to be married by NC4 pastors. Contact the church office.
- Marriage mentoring: If you’re looking to maximize a good marriage or to repair one that is experiencing a season of distress, why not allow a more experienced couple to come alongside of you and your spouse to help navigate the pathway to a thriving and God-honoring marriage? Contact Pastor Bob Rentler 610.861.7725 x22).
Marriage and Family Home Groups
We offer both marriage maximizing and parenting groups. Please refer to the current listing found at Small Groups. Have questions? Contact Ned & Janice Trautman at 610.866.5824.
Helpful Books and Articles
Coming Soon…
Marriage & Family Ministry Leaders: Ned & Janice Trautman (, 610.866.5824)
Men’s Ministry
Our men’s ministry provides opportunity for men 18 and older to fellowship in an atmosphere of acceptance and encouragement in order to build one another up in the faith.
The priority of this ministry is to equip our men to be effective husbands and fathers and strong role models in their homes. Specifically, this ministry is focused on issues of 1) purity and 2) fathering.
Some of the opportunities and resources we provide for our men are:
- Small Group Meetings
- Men’s Breakfast’s with Guest Speakers
- Content Blocking Software
- Promise Keepers Conferences
- Family Life Conferences and Seminars
Ministry Leader: Currently Open, Gene Wakeman – Overseeing Elder [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Click here to view the direction for missions that NC4 has taken.
It is the vision of the New Covenant Mission Board to further the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to people groups that are beyond the limitations and boundaries of our own culture.
To know Jesus and make Him known.
- We believe that God has established the local church as the primary vehicle for building His kingdom.
- We believe that obedience to fulfilling the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 is the responsibility of all believers, with the strategic direction being determined by the local church.
- We believe that everyone who names the name of Christ at NC4 has a part to play in the furtherance of the Gospel beyond the barriers of race, culture, people groups, and/or languages.
- We believe in reaching people groups, regardless of their geopolitical boundaries, with a commitment to minister to their specific cultural needs.
- We believe this focus on cross-cultural missions cannot be accomplished without (1) a strong commitment to prayer and (2) a strong commitment to building and maintaining relationships with those we send/support, as well as those we intend to reach.
The purpose of this statement is to define what we mean by cross-cultural ministry. This statement is operating under the assumption that the “Great Commission” is the responsibility and obligation of the Church. From this perspective, any local church structured in such a way that its members can participate in programs or fellowship but fail to participate in the carrying out of the “great commission” is fundamentally flawed. Any missionary or mission agency that is totally disconnected from the local church (an entrepreneur or agency that is only interested in the local church as a source of funds to bankroll their own mission exploits) is equally wrong. The only way for the local church to avoid these two extremes is for the church to assume a proactive stance regarding missions. This requires the local church leadership to determine God’s vision for that expression of the Body of Christ and lead its members in that specific direction. Without a clearly thought out statement and vision, the local Church will never be able to deal with these problems, and can never fulfill its part corporately in carrying out the “Great Commission.”
Probably the largest conceptual problem involving missions is its universality. The word “missions” can correctly describe any thing that the church does to facilitate its ministry of reconciliation in every sphere. In fact, taken in its most generic sense, it is so encompassing that it is practically useless. Unless a local church has a specific focus in missions, it will not be able to be proactive or assume any real leadership in this area. When the local church is subordinated into a secondary role of reacting to the organized whims of individuals who have been left with no alternative but to be entrepreneurial, both the individual and the local body miss out on the fullness of the blessing they can both give and receive.
The concept of cross-cultural missions is useful in order to begin to narrow the concept of missions down to something meaningful. When the Bible refers to “nations,” the word in Greek is ethnos. This word is most accurately translated as “people group” for linguistic and cultural reasons. The problem Americans have with translating ethnos as nation is that we tend to equate nation with the modern concept of the sovereign state in our present geopolitical context. We must realize that the sovereign state is a modern construct, born as a by-product of the Reformation. It is, therefore, exegetically impossible for “nation” to have meant to the authors of the Scriptures what most of us take it to mean today. In fact, many modern “nations” contain any number of different “people groups.”
People groups are culturally distinct units, usually with either a distinct language or religion or cultural norms. The concept of cross-cultural missions works well with this definition. Instead of focusing on crossing borders or going overseas, the focus shifts to reaching another culture, no matter where they are on the earth. Rather than having the mindset of sending missionaries to states, we want to send missionaries to people and people groups. Using India as an example, it is practically useless to say someone is a missionary to India. There are over 500 different people groups that are radically different from each other, and who have maintained their distinctiveness from each other for thousands of years. Now, if a missionary says that they are working along with the Punjabi people, then they are focusing on a biblical ethnos verses a modern nation. Another feature of the cross-cultural model is that often one does not have to go overseas at all. American is full of different cultural enclaves, and it is just as valid to work among the Punjabi people in the central valley region of California as it is to work with the same Punjabi people in northern India.
NC4 Kids: Children’s Program
The mission of our Sunday school program, called NC4 Kids, is to supplement and reinforce family Christian education with a biblically-based curriculum. Classes are held during the adult sermon time on Sunday mornings for approximately 45 minutes. Some of the teachings in our curriculum are God’s Word, Salvation, Leading Others to Christ, Having a Personal Relationship with Christ, and The Joy, Gifts and Fullness of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives. Your children will find our program welcoming, fun and inspirational.
Ministry Leader: Millie Moyzan (
Current Aide Schedule: All Schedules – Volunteers
Minimum Standards & Requirements for Teachers: A teacher must be a member of NC4 in good standing & be CSAP trained or in training.
Minimum Standards & Requirements for Aides: A classroom aide must be a member or regular attender (with children in Sunday School) of NC4 in good standing, must read & sign the CSAP summary document, & must be willing to serve the classroom teacher as requested.
NC4 Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Guidelines: CSAP Policy v4.09
The Bible verse & blessing for parents to pray over their children for the week:.
Matthew 22:37–38: [Jesus said] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ this is the first and greatest commandment.
May each of you be devoted to Jesus. May you love Him with all of your heart, all of your mind, and all of your soul.
Prayer Ministry
The heart of the prayer ministry at NC4 is to see the Father’s house become “a house of prayer for all peoples,” (Isa. 56:7) and for each believer to develop an intimate understanding that “the earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working).” (James 5:16b AMP) Our current weekly prayer opportunities include: Wednesday morning prayer at 7:00am; pre-service prayer on Sundays at 9:00am; and pre-service prayer on Saturday evening at 5:15pm. We also have individual prayer “at the cross” after each church service. We also have a 911 Prayer Chain available for urgent prayer needs.
Ministry Leaders: Glenn & Dottie Miller
Prison Ministry
Matt 25:36 – I was in prison and you came to visit me.
The purpose of New Covenant’s Prison Ministry is to help effect change and transformation in the lives of incarcerated men and women through the power of the Holy Spirit. We have been visiting Northampton County Prison monthly since 1989 for Sunday church services for both men and women. The service consists of worship, teaching and prayer, providing the opportunity for salvation, healing and restoration.
Ministry Leader: Chad Licsko
The Welcoming Ministry is New Covenant’s way to welcome guests and visitors to our congregation and see to it that those who desire to join us can do so with the proper care and instruction.
This is done through these teams:
Greeting – everyone is met and welcomed as they enter the front doors for a service. They are directed to the sanctuary and may be introduced to an usher or another member to help find their way or answer any questions.
After-Service Hosting – is available for all guests so, over some refreshments, there is the opportunity to meet other members and an elder or pastor to ask any questions and it gives us the opportunity to get to know the guests. Those who are interested are connected with a pastor or small group leader to help them plug in based on their faith level and desire.
Guest Contact – is a way to make sure that guests are given information about the church and opportunity is given to answer any questions they may have about New Covenant Church. Our hope is that guests feel welcome when they first attend a church event. The key to maintaining contact after their first visit is to gather contact information for follow-up mailings, e-mails, or an optional phone call. The guest card includes opportunities for guests to express interest or mention a special need which may include giving them a list of our small groups, or setting up a pastoral contact.
Assimilation Ministry Leader: Pastor Bob Rentler (, 610.861.7725 x22)
Women’s Ministry – NC4 Women
NC4 Women’s Ministry seeks to encourage women in 3 areas:
We “Reach Up” seeking God to change us as we press into His Presence,
We “Reach In” providing opportunities to strengthen our relationships within the church and across the generations.
We “Reach Out” finding ways to encourage and serve others sharing our faith in the process.
To find out more about NC4 Women please visit
NC4 Women Facebook
NC4 Women Twitter
NC4 Women Flickr
NC4 Women Ministry Leaders: Deb Baker, Trish Groblewski, Judy Frei and Clair Berry
Women’s Ministry Coordinator: Deb Baker,
Worship Team
During our weekend services, we have a time of praise and worship. We believe that when God’s people come together, they should be expressing joy to the God of their salvation. As such, our worship takes on the tenure of the old and new testaments, where the people of God expressed themselves with musical instruments, dancing, shouting, clapping, lifting of hands and singing.
“Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe. Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!” Psalm 150:3-6
Our Worship Team is made up of skilled musicians who have the honor of leading the congregation in the praise and worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They play a variety of contemporary Christian songs as well as some traditional hymns. We have several teams who serve a rotating basis. If you are a member of New Covenant, sing or play an instrument and are interested in being on the Worship Team, please contact Tom Horn, Worship & Music Director, at or 610.861.7725 x 16.
Click here for the current ministry team schedule: Worship Team Schedule
Ministry Leader: Tom Horn