Hello Parents and Volunteers,


  • JOINT SERVICE in Bethlehem this coming Sunday, July 30th. No service will be held in Macungie.
  • Move Up SundayAugust 27th! Kids move up to their next Sunday School class on this date at both campuses. And there may just be sundaes too…
    • For children entering Kindergarten and 6th grade, we will also have BIBLES that we are giving out to them on Move Up Sunday to mark their new season of entering school for the first time or moving up into Youth Group age. The word of God is so important!!!
  • VOTE FOR A MOVIE BY AUG 1 for our Outdoor Movie Night on Aug 18: https://forms.gle/zwyiJmaMeKGHJaVr7

We’re starting Unit 22 THE MIRACLES OF JESUS this coming Sunday and it will take us through August 27th.

Our memory verse for this unit is: “No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is himself God and is at the Father’s side–he has revealed him.” John 1:18 (CSB)

Watch a 3-minute overview of Unit 22 herehttps://youtu.be/gnh8pwAfQzU

Last week (July 23, 2023) we finished Unit 21 and learned that WE ARE SAVED BY FAITH IN JESUS by reading Hebrews 11.

  • KEY PASSAGE: Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)
  • BIG PICTURE QUESTION: How can we be saved? We are only saved through faith in Jesus.
  • CHRIST CONNECTION: Peter understood that he was a sinner and recognized that Jesus is God. He responded to Jesus’ grace and kindness by following Him. When we understand that Jesus is God and that we are sinners, we can turn to Him for forgiveness and follow Him by faith.


This week
 (July 30, 2023) we start Unit 22 and will learn that JESUS CALMED THE STORM by reading Matt 8, Mark 4, and Luke 8.

  • KEY PASSAGE: John 1:18 (CSB)
  • BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.
  • CHRIST CONNECTION: Jesus’ disciples knew Jesus was a good man and a good teacher. When Jesus calmed the wind and the waves, He showed His disciples that He is also God. God rules the sea and stills its waves.


See the featured IMAGE pertaining to this coming week’s lesson with questions to discuss the lesson with your children!

Want to help your child learn the Old Testament books of the Bible? Check it out: Old Testament Books of the Bible Song.
If you’re interested in following up The Gospel Project learning at home, please go to www.ministrygrid.lifeway.com. Use this email (nc4kidsandyouth@gmail.com) and this password (NC4kidsrock!). Each week there will be videos and suggestions for At Home Access!
As we dig into God’s word, we see His great story, learn more and more about His consistent character, and experience His GREAT love for us!

Elle Molinari
Kids & Youth Pastor