Persistent prayer is not an exercise that causes us to lose heart. It develops the fruit of faith.
God has ordained three disciplines for the renewing our spirit: Prayer, Worship, and Sabbath!
Listen in as youth pastor Mike Dunstan and assistant youth pastor Bobby Nisbet deliver this week's teaching.
Knowledge without understanding is impotent. Understanding without wisdom is ineffective.
When we carry a dream for our lives it is usually a confluence, a flowing together of what is from God and what is from us.
Today is Vision Sunday 2015. Pastor Jack will cast the NC4 Vision for our church community. Listen in.
Our featured teacher is Paul Reid from Belfast, Ireland. Listen in as he encourages us to give freely.
We welcome Dr. Julius Esunge this morning, our long time friend and member of NC4. Listen as he spurs us on to "Occupy Until He Comes".